Monday, May 09, 2011

code4lib north presentation: we're jamun and we hope that you like jamun too

On Friday, May 6th, I had the pleasure to present a project called that we are working on my place of work to the fine folks at Code4Lib North.

Jamun is the work of Art Rhyno and it is at the proof of concept stage. That being said, I'm hopeful that it will develop into our library's $100 discovery layer...

There was one point that didn't make it into the presentation slides that I regret not including: Our current version of Jamun doesn't include a pane search results from the text of the library website results but it is intended that we would prominently include one. As the results for a search for "primary source documents" from NCSU library nicely illustrates, such results can act as de facto *in context* help.

I'd like to also note that during the Q and A after my talk, there was a connection between my plea to libraries to stop throwing out course reading lists and Dan Cohen's recent release of million syllabus data set.

Much thanks to McMaster University for hosting Code4Lib and mad props to Nick Ruest and John Fink who were kind enough to host the wonderful event.

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